Helping You Grow Your Faith

Small group Bible Study is an essential part of spiritual growth and spiritual health. Pray about it and make time to get into His Word!

Home Studies

You can use RightNow Media for your home Bible Studies.
Call the office for free registration.

Ladies’ Bible Studies
Ladies’ Bible Studies

1. WORD (Women of Real Devotion to God, a Ladies’ Bible Study), a seasoned group of ladies studying the Bible meet on Wednesday nights  in Room 101B (Courtyard area) at 6:30 p.m.

Contact Tracey Porath (813.240.5221 or for more information.

2. Another group of ladies meet on Wednesday night in Room 101 at 6:30 p.m. called “Faithful Flame”.

Note: If you haven’t created your RightNow Media account and need help, please email Sara Sharp.

Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study

They meet Tuesday mornings at 6:45 a.m. using ZOOM or in person at NBCC in Room 102. The men are studying Ecclesiastes on RightNow Media.

To join the Zoom Meeting use ID: 468 934 011. Contact Rick Rose at 813-968-2236 or for more information. Note: If you haven’t created your RightNow Media account and need help, please email Sara Sharp.

A Men’s study, Stones Throw, meet on Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. in Room 106.

Currently studying the book of Corinthians

Biblical Citizenship Class
Biblical Citizenship Class

In the Biblical Citizenship class you will learn how the founders relied on their Christian moorings and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. You will also be treated to encouraging historical facts and inspirational true stories that are not taught in our educational institutions today. All in all you will be edified and equipped to operationalize your faith and practice Biblical Citizenship in Modern America!

The class is 100% virtual and takes place weekly on Wednesday nights until Wednesday, August 21, from 6 – 8:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending, please sign up for the class via this qrcode. The Patriot Academy link allows you to find resources for the class such as textbooks, if you want them, and it will provide you with the zoom link necessary to log into the class. Please contact Mike Middleton ( or 719.331.7139) if you have questions.

9:30am Sunday Studies

  • Room 101 – Adult class led by Rick Rose,
  • Room 102 – Adult class led by David Ingram,
  • Room 104 – Nursery,
  • Room 106 – Adult class led by Lenore Hood, using RightNow Media,
  • FLC – Pre & K – 5

Wednesday Night Studies

Every Wednesday 6pm - 7:30pm

Faithful Flame - Young Women's Study
Faithful Flame - Young Women's Study
Stone's Throw - Men's Bible Study
Stone's Throw - Men's Bible Study
NEXUS - A Bible study with Pastor Steve
NEXUS - A Bible study with Pastor Steve
Real Students - 6th - 12th Grade
Real Students - 6th - 12th Grade
Deaf Ministry - Sign Language Class
Deaf Ministry - Sign Language Class