CWF One-Day Tropical Retreat
October 5
See the beautiful sights of John’s Pass and Madeira Beach on this smooth inland water cruise with the captain’s live sightseeing narration. Pelicans, Great Blue Herons, and Snowy Egrets are a common sight nestled in the mangroves of a protected bird sanctuary.
In lieu of our Annual Retreat we are having a one-day Retreat of Tropical Fun on the Water aboard the Calypso Breeze out of Madeira Beach. We are going on Saturday, October 5, and the cost is $42.27 (includes boat ride, buffet lunch, service charges and tax). This amount is payable to NBCC no later than Wednesday, September 18.
A sign up sheet is available in the hallway outside of the ladies’ bathroom in the main building. You can also sign up on your Communication Card or contact the NBCC office. Your payment (checks or cash) should be given to Angie Adkins by Wednesday, September 18. She will be available in the Family Life Center after Drive-In and in the Foyer after the 10:30 Service on Sundays September 1, 8, and 15 and on Wednesday nights in the kitchen. Please designate “CWF Tropical Retreat” on any checks.